How do you lead in extremes?

Sport psychology consultant turned leadership expert Simon Hartley invites you forge world-class leaders in the most extreme conditions

The underdog can win a gold medal. The substitute can become the MVP. The socially anxious kid can lead a billion dollar corporation.

The odds can be out-performed.

But how?

The extraordinary leader

When you’re leading your team into a situation in which you are both scared, that’s when fear gets, well, scary. And fear in humans comes mostly from the unknown.

The greatest challenge, therefore, facing today’s extraordinary and ordinary leaders is the navigation of our time’s extreme change and blinding uncertainty, and, then, to get people to perform in light of the package of emotions they are experiencing.

I have been really privileged to work with leaders from counter-intelligence agencies, Special Forces, high-pressured sporting arenas, and even expedition leaders who have traversed the most treacherous terrains. They know what it is to lead in extreme change. And they have the scars to prove it.

Be world class

February 2018 will see leaders from the world’s most extreme environments work together with researchers, businesses and Dialogue in an all-day discussion of our key takeaways. More importantly, we would like to extend an invitation to you, to share in the discussion surround how we can apply lessons from extraordinary leadership to everyday business.

Join us at Business Design Centre, London on Feb 1, 2018 and lead your people in the world of extreme change that we face.