Meetings need not be boring, finds Perry Timms

We all have them. Too many of them, really. But what if you could turn your meetings, and even learning gatherings, into a polled, chat-sharing, Q&A friendly space?
Meetoo does that. Okay, not for those small, short catch-ups, but for all-hands events: town-hall addresses; larger strategy days; courses; and even perhaps some remote events where you can exchange dialogue in real-time.
Meetoo is an iOS and Android app, which does bear a fee beyond trial versions, but can energize your forums – turning them from formal and drab affairs into socially inclined, real-time feedback events.
You can even turn presentations into interactive experiences, with its integration to load slides; and instantly get responses and views from participants. No more death by PowerPoint. Instead, more inclusion and interaction through the screens we all use in our work and lives.
Business School programmes, corporate product briefings, reactions to news and events across a global company – this is a way of taking people out of their inboxes and bringing information to life with chat, reactions and engagement feedback in real-time. Customizing means it will look like part of your brand. Set up through easy-to-follow guides, it can be deployed with planned methods and got going in minutes.
— Meetoo is an iOS and Android app
— Perry Timms is an independent HR/OD practitioner, speaker, writer and CIPD adviser on social media and engagement. Follow him on Twitter @PerryTimms