The freedom mobile technology provides staff is undoubtedly powerful, and the potential benefits to a business are many. But there are hidden dangers in going to the mobile highway. Here are five tips on how to avoid them
Make a successful swap to mobile
Simply moving from paper to mobile is not enough. The systems in place should be designed with the technology preferences of the user in mind. The more optimized your devices are, the easier it will be for your employees and clients.
Be device agnostic
Make sure that your chosen software is supported on all mobile devices you are planning to use. Having a mobile-optimized web page is crucial as well as responsive design techniques to so the layout of the pages adjusts to the device.
Think about the advantages of mobile access
Create simple interfaces in order to obtain basic information and contact details of employees and potential customers. This simplicity will inject speed and convenience.
Be more social
Making the mobile and social media transition can be an important part of building up a brand of a product or company. It can take years to build a good reputation, but only seconds to damage it beyond repair. Mobile social media followers can make up a large audience for a brand – making sure that they are receiving engaging well thought-out content is crucial.
Avoid alienation
An important factor is recognizing the need to adapt your processes to ensure nobody feels alienated. Mobile workers must be supported with any issues and questions they may have during the transition. This can include assistance with getting to grip with their device and additional resources – for example reading support. Remember that 285 million people in the world are visually impaired.